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Review by G. van Lynden 3.11.2015
Added by Kurt Gerber over 9 years ago
- First of all, and first impression: big improvement in terms of lay-out and simplicity compared to the current db (which immediately opens with a “complicated” query screen). Is this a template or at least an example for the new look of the WOCAT db as well? I considered it as such in my comments;
- Being a geographer I first look for a map indicating where I can find some Ts and As – which is still missing. So a facility to search by location (either through coordinates, by name or on a map) would be good (PS I now see that under Advanced filter at least one can select a country);
- I can only get back to the main screen by clicking Back in my browser (or I did not look well, which is what most people don’t);
- When I select the WOCAT portal and View SLM technologies, but then click on All SLM practices (which is not logical, I know, but again that’s what people do…), I also get the UNCCD practices. That is slightly confusing since I thought I selected the WOCAT portal and not the UNCCD one. Maybe indicate this somewhere (either change the button names for Ts and As to WOCAT Technologies/ Approaches or the button name for All to “All WOCAT and UNCCD practices”. Not a major issue though;
- But when I then click on one of the UNCCD practices in this list, I am apparently (and without warning) taken to a different (i.e. the UNCCD) menu, as in the menu bar I now get the option “Show all SLM best practices” (btw I guess we cannot avoid that latter term for UNCCD purposes…?). In the latter, I can not get the WOCAT case studies anymore;
- As to the details (Technologies): Replace text in 2.4 with (or add) a small map showing location (and extent if known)?
- 5.3 Costs and Inputs: no decimals in the figures – that gives an unjustified illusion of accuracy. Perhaps for labour indicate that this may include a valorisation of farmers’ own labour?
- 6. Natural Environment: Pity we lost the nice graphs here… Only two colours (Black and Grey)?
- No access to the full information (or is this the full information nowadays with the “light” or whatever we call it version…?)?
- Approaches: starts with 1.4: “Define the area in which the SLM Approach has been applied”. Change to 1 and omit “Define the”. And add small map here too…!
- Very succinct summary…, also compared to the Ts. Is this all that remains in the “light” or “basic” version?
- The Approach indicates a linked QT, but the Ts do not have the link to an Approach.
- General: Still the (difficult) language problem. My setting is “English”, yet I still get case studies in Spanish (or French or other languages probably when the db is fully populated), though the headings are in English. That doesn’t really help if I don’t speak Spanish. Perhaps we should still explore the options of automatic translation – even though sub-optimal to say the least. But it’s better than this (not even) half-solution;
In general: even though WOCAT was assigned to host the UNCCD “Best practices”, the format of the latter is not changed to the WOCAT format, so basically there remain two different databases. I guess merging them or expecting UNCCD to fully embrace the WOCAT format – for new cases - would be a step too far as yet.
Maybe not comprehensive but at least some comments from my side. What about our envisaged more in-depth involvement in new developments with the database and Website - rather than commenting afterwards? After our meeting in Bern of a year ago, we were not very actively involved in further developments and my impression is that a lot of (good) work was done in-house again. It is well possible that I missed some correspondence and chances to be more actively involved, though I hope and think not, but in that case please refresh my memory.
Replies (2)
RE: Review by G. van Lynden 3.11.2015 - Added by Kurt Gerber over 9 years ago
From L. Fleskens, 17.11.2015
Some very quick initial impressions/remarks:
- I searched on ‘water harvesting’ and retrieved many results that have no relation to water harvesting
- The symbol drawings are low resolution which is a bit of a pity
- Harmonise tables (section 5 Economics and Section 6 Natural environment look quite different –the latter nicer)
- Personally I think that when you scroll down and the page becomes grey with only different font sizes to guide the user on what belongs to what section it looks quite complex. This could perhaps be easily solved by having section boxes in different colour than the background page (but probably a matter of taste).
RE: Review by G. van Lynden 3.11.2015 - Added by Kurt Gerber over 9 years ago
From T. Caspari, 18.11.2015
I will follow Luuk’s example and reply to you directly. Thanks for making aware of the test page, and for collecting & forwarding our feedback. I agree that this effort is already a great improvement to the previous setup!
These are my comments after browsing the page for some 15 minutes:
- It is not clear why there are 2 separate databases (WOCAT and UNCCD); and does the search function work for both at the same time?
- I fully agree with Luuk’s last comment on the QT/QA pages; it is a long list, and all on the same grey background colour; the pages could be re-designed in a way that supports scanning (most of the people will cross-read and not go paragraph by paragraph): use different background colours. Make distinctions between headings (hierarchy) clearer; e.g. section 8.1 is hard to read. Highlight key terms or some of the subheadings, e.g. the ones under 2.2.
- the Table of Content has a bullet list, while the rest of the page is numbered
- section 3.5: use links here to directly jump to the actual list of measures that are part of this QT (section 5.2); btw the QT I was looking at (technologies_500 - Niger) listed ‘vegetative measures’ under 3.5 but did only have Structural and Management measures listed under 5.2 (but maybe this is just a test QT)
- section 5.3 (costs and inputs): provide an automated calculation on what that amount what be with the current exchange rate; if possible, align all numbers to the right to improve scanning
- section 5.5: there is no indication which total area the maintenance costs are referring to – I assume the same as for section 5.3 (establishment)?; if possible, align all numbers to the right to improve scanning
- some of the formatting in section 6 does not work, and elements appear in funny places, e.g. the topsoil organic matter content under section 6.3 (at least for technologies_500 – Niger); this is probably still under development
- I would recommend to put section 2.4 (country information) under section 1 (General information); then people do not have to wonder where the QT/QA is from
- I would recommend to put project/institution information (currently section 1) under section 9 (to be established); this would ensure that the QT does not ‘abruptly’ end with the section on cost-benefit analysis, but with a possibility of a contact to find out more information, if needed.
- and there should be contact information for each QT/QA, not just the name of a person
- insert a table of content drop-down field also at the very end of the QT page
Concerning website design I can warmly recommend Steve Krug’s book ‘Don’t Make Me Think’.
Please keep me up to date re: further work on the WOCAT construction site :)