Task #1020
Original language of questionnaires
Start date:
18 Aug 2016
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
How to find out what the original language of a QT (or QA) questionnaire is. In other words: What is the original questionnaire and what are translations of it?
In the new DB, translations are not separate questionnaires anymore, they share the same dropdown fields. In the old database, dropdown fields can have different values in other languages (example: T_MOR010). The original language is needed to tell which questionnaire counts for these dropdown values.
Images and technical drawings can also be different in translations! (see T_COS002en / T_COS002es)
Difficult to automatically determine oiriginal questionnaire. Maybe needs to be done manually?
Updated by Lukas Vonlanthen over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Use oldest version (the one entered first) as original language.