Task #1065
Annual rainfall: Too many values
Start date:
27 Sep 2016
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
In QT 2.7.1 Average annual rainfall, multiple rainfall values can be selected (rank from 1 to 3).
In QCAT 5.1 Annual rainfall, only 2 ticks can be checked.
Is the following mapping procedure ok?
1) Use all ranks to map rainfall: 32 Errors
T_MLI001en T_AUS003en T_RSA100en T_ETH004en T_TAN007en T_TAN006en T_THA001en T_PHI045en T_PHI013en T_PHI012en T_PHI010en T_MOR013fr T_TAJ402ru T_IND013en T_IND017en T_NEP001en T_NEP023en T_NEP003en T_NEP004en T_NEP007en T_NEP008en T_NEP009en T_PHI008en T_PHI009en T_TAJ362en T_TAN017en T_KEN660en T_NEP055en T_GER008en T_GER006en T_GER007en T_ETH608en
2) If there are too many checkboxes in (1), use only rank "high" to map rainfall: 13 Errors
T_ETH004en T_NEP001en T_NEP023en T_NEP003en T_NEP004en T_NEP007en T_NEP008en T_NEP009en T_KEN660en T_NEP055en T_GER008en T_GER006en T_GER007en
3) Use comment section of QCAT if there are still too many checkboxes in (2)