Bug #1125
Editing Probleme
Liebes IT-Team,
Nina hat es evt. schon angesprochen, aber es gibt immer wieder Fehlermeldungen beim Editieren, bzw. beim Speichern von Ă„nderungen im Fragebogen (siehe Mail von Tuhin und Blagoje unten):
Tuhin Samaddar (Bangladesh) bekommt nur eine Errormeldung bei den rejecteten Approach/Technologies (he used Firefox and Google Chrome browser on Windows 10 platform in Intel Core i5 (Toshiba) hardware setting).
I still have problems with the editing into the web application. Precisely, I can't save any changes.
My browser is Google Chrome, but I have the same problem when I use Mozzila Firefox. I use Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP2.
Updated by Kurt Gerber over 8 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Bug
- Category set to Dev Task
- Assignee changed from Kurt Gerber to Lukas Vonlanthen
- Target version set to QCAT Backlog
Updated by Lukas Vonlanthen over 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Feedback
This issue should have been solved when cleaning the data of old questionnaires. Please inform the compilers to try again. Setting this issue to status "Feedback", please close if issue does not occur anymore.
Updated by Anonymous over 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to Closed
Has not occured anymore