User Story #1155
CCA modul: Letzte Korrekturen
Updated by Nina Lauterburg about 8 years ago
Wer war da involviert? Ich hatte nichts mit dem CCA modul zu tun.
Updated by Lukas Vonlanthen about 8 years ago
- Status changed from Feedback to New
- Assignee changed from Nicole Harari to Lukas Vonlanthen
- Estimated time set to 24.00 h
Changes should be made based on feedback as discussed with Nicole on February 21, 2017.
File with feedback located under
/02_projects/WOCAT/3%20Questionnaires/4%20Modules/CC%20adaptation%20module/CC Module testing_21022017.docx
@Lukas: See comments in file stored locally.
Time estimation rather rough.