User Story #1157
Input costs bei QAs: More lines
Wir brauchen bei den QAs die Möglichkeit mehr Zeilen für due Kosten- bzw. Inputangaben Angaben zu haben, da es für einige DRR-Fälle nicht genügend Zeilen hat (siehe unten).
However, we have a challenge with the Farming Gods way Approach in that the spaces (rows) provided in the costs and inputs calculation are not sufficient yet there doesn't seem to be a way of adding more. Could you kindly guide us on that? We shall then be ready to submit the remaining 2 questionnaires
Updated by Kurt Gerber about 8 years ago
- Category set to To Discuss
- Priority changed from High to Normal
Updated by Renate Fleiner about 8 years ago
Request im Moment on hold, da nur eine Practice betroffen. Empfehlung dass Compiler angeleitet wird wie er Input Costs zusammenfassen kann.
Updated by Nina Lauterburg about 8 years ago
wurde jetzt auch von Bettina bemängelt, auch bei QT --> very unfortunate (dass das Ticket keine hohe Priorität hat). There is one section where it is possible to collect details together with the land users and even assign figures, and now you want us to generalize – this really makes no sense.
Updated by Lukas Vonlanthen about 8 years ago
- Easy implmentation: double all the rows (2 hours)
- Hard implementation: "Add more.." button fore each sub-type, but there we will have to skip the table layout and its summaries below... (2 days at least)
Updated by Kurt Gerber about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Input costs bei QAs to Input costs bei QAs: More lines