User Story #1777
Migrate case data
Start date:
06 Feb 2018
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
(Total: 79.00 h)
Spent time:
(Total: 75.50 h)
How can the stored contents of a questionnaire be moved to a new version of the configuration? Or: how can editors see the 'old' version while editing the 'new' version?
- The cases will be migrated manually and selectively by creating a new version of a questionnaire (=editing a published version). There is no automatic migration of data.
- Only published questionnaires can be migrated to a new version
- All questionnaires within the 'release' process keep the configuration that they have been created with.
- If a public questionnaire is edited, and a new version of the configuration is available, this new version is used and the user is informed.
- A warning message has to point the user to this configuration change.
- A documentation / help page has to be provided in which the changes from one version to the other are listed and explained.
- Best case: this info is automatically generated from the new configuration.
- The notification has to point to this documentation.
- New feature: 'case history' (=display an old version of a questionnaire). This will need some work, as templates, views, etc. are expecting only one version of the configuration now. Something like 'loose coupling' for views, forms, templates must be introduced.
- This is required, so data can be migrated. 'Old' questionnaire data cannot be displayed with a 'new' configuration. Example: a field is changed from text data to a list of checkboxes.
Updated by Sebastian Manger about 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Migration case data to Migrate case data