User Story #1796
Add hint for 'changed fields' when opening case in new edition
Start date:
06 Feb 2018
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
12.00 h
When viewing questionnaires entered in an old version of the configuration, a hint could be displayed for fields/questions which have changed compared to the currently active questionnaire configuration. It only indicates which fields have changed and not what exactly changed.
Maybe use separate table to keep track of changed fields for a configuration version?
Estimate break down¶
- Depends on how diff is solved (#1781)
- Extends QuestionnaireQuestion (adding method to show if field has changed) (~4h)
- Modify templates (add indicator) and styling (4h)
- Tests (4h)
Updated by Kurt Gerber over 6 years ago
- Tracker changed from Task to User Story
- Subject changed from Add hint for 'changed fields' to Add hint for 'changed fields' when opening case in new edition
- Target version changed from Carbon Benefit to QCAT Backlog
- Parent task deleted (