API Authentification » History » Version 1
Kurt Gerber, 18 Dec 2019 10:03
1 | 1 | Kurt Gerber | h1. API Authentification |
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3 | Proposed Solution |
4 | The following is a proposed authentication mechanism for handling mobile app requests. This is to facilitate other API endpoints allowing users to create cases, upload images and edit cases. |
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6 | *Caveat: This is very non-standard and maybe insecure* |
7 | • Use the existing API Token for Primary authentication in all cases |
8 | • Create a Secondary authentication table, as follows: |
9 | o One to one relationship to the Registered UserID |
10 | o 3 fields --> 'UserID', 'APPToken' & 'time_stamp' |
11 | • When an API request to create a case, upload images or edit cases is received |
12 | o Authenticate with the API Token to ensure user has access to API |
13 | o Check if the Authenticated User has an 'unexpired' APP Token |
14 | ▪ A time limit is used to designate stale/fresh APP Tokens |
15 | o User has no APP Token: |
16 | ▪ APP Token is Generated |
17 | ▪ Response is sent and the APP Token is included |
18 | ▪ This is the initial handshake |
19 | ▪ Time stamp is updated |
20 | o User has an Unexpired APP Token: |
21 | ▪ Request is accepted |
22 | ▪ Time stamp is extended |
23 | ▪ Response is served |
24 | o User has an Expired APP Token: |
25 | ▪ User is re-authenticated with the API Token |
26 | ▪ APP Token is refreshed |
27 | ▪ Response is sent and the new APP Token is included |
28 | ▪ Time stamp is updated |
29 | o User has Incorrect APP Token: |
30 | ▪ Invalid Response is sent |