Project carbon benefit » History » Version 7
Kurt Gerber, 09 Feb 2018 11:47
1 | 1 | Kurt Gerber | |
2 | 7 | Kurt Gerber | |
3 | 1 | Kurt Gerber | This project asks for an adaptation of the questionnaire. |
4 | In the QCAT application the questionnaires are represented by configurations. |
5 | For such an adaptation we have to enable the versioning of the configurations which was already considered at the project start. |
6 | More information about the configuration versioning can be found on the following wiki page: [[Versioning_of_configurations|Versioning of Configurations]] |
7 | 3 | Kurt Gerber | |
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9 | h2. Terms: |
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11 | * Configuration: an empty paper based questionnaire, e.g. 'Technology' or 'Approach' |
12 | * Data/questionnaire: the contents / filled in data for a configuration. |
13 | * In the tasks, tags are used to indicate whether a tag is "Required" or "Improvement" |
14 | 6 | Kurt Gerber | * User Story: This is more a kind of a work package. Its description should be understandable for non-developers. User stories can contain several development tasks |
15 | * Task: a development task which is a part of a larger user story. work time estimations are made on task level. User stories show just the sum of all tasks as estimated time. |
16 | 3 | Kurt Gerber | |
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18 | 1 | Kurt Gerber | h2. Overview of affected areas |
19 | 7 | Kurt Gerber | |
20 | 6 | Kurt Gerber | Below you see list of user stories and tasks related to the Carbon Benefit Project. On the right side below you see a box showing the overall estimated time sum. |
21 | 3 | Kurt Gerber | |
22 | 6 | Kurt Gerber | * See the agile board for user stories (Work Packages), ordered by priority: |
23 | 3 | Kurt Gerber | |
24 | 6 | Kurt Gerber | * See all required tasks and the corresponding estimated time: (modify tag filter to show all / improvement tasks) |
25 | 3 | Kurt Gerber | |
26 | 6 | Kurt Gerber | |
27 | |||
28 | h2. User stories / Issues |