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Sebastian Manger, 02 Feb 2016 10:33
- New Requirements
- Agile Board column - New
- Responsible: Kurt Gerber (User Stories are complete in form and content; Issues are sorted according to priority).
- Hosting: None
- Notes: Application errors are new user stories as well - they might just be on the top of the list.
- In progess
- Agile Board column - In Progress
- Responsible: Developers (Lukas / Sebastian)
- Hosting:
- Notes: User Stories result in feature branches; Continuous delivery is active for the develop branch only. If a feature is finished, the issues status must be updated on redmine.
- Review
- Agile Board column - Resolved
- Responsible: Kurt Gerber / Project Management
- Hosting: (to be defined)
- Notes: Review should be done after each sprint. Kurt Gerber decides if the PM must also review a feature.
- Done
- Agile Board column - Feedback
- Responsible: Developers
- Hosting:
- Notes: If an issue is done, it must be deployed to the live environment.
Workflow: new requirements and application errors¶
- The review must only check for the defined acceptance criteria
- If new requirements are asked for, a new subtask is created. The new issue is treated as any other issue.
- If an application error occurs, Kurt Gerber decides on its priority.
- If it must be resolved immediately, a hotfix is created.
- A hotfix also results in a new task and is reviewed.
- The hotfix is merged into the beta-branch first.
To be defined:¶
- How do we implement these responsibilities?
- Beta and live deploy:
- do we use git tags?
- manual deploy with a defined release calendar or integrated with the continuous delivery system?
Updated by Sebastian Manger about 9 years ago · 2 revisions