Review process » History » Revision 11
Revision 10 (Lukas Vonlanthen, 17 May 2016 14:14) → Revision 11/12 (Lukas Vonlanthen, 17 May 2016 14:15)
h1. Review workflow {{thumbnail(20160517_workflow.png, {{thumbnail(userroles_reviewprocess.png, size=1200)}} *(to be revised)... The workflow when submitting a new Questionnaire or editing an existing one is as follows: h2. Create |_.Create | Edit | Review | Publish | * Any logged in +user+ can create a new Questionnaire. * A welcome notice explains the workflow, takes the user to the first section of the Questionnaire. h3. Questionnaire status: * - h3. Available actions: * - h2. Edit | Create |_.Edit | Review | Publish | * A Questionnaire object is created when saving the first section of a new or edited Questionnaire. * Edit of existing Questionnaire: * Only a +compiler+ can edit existing public Questionnaires *(?)* * Editing a public Questionnaire creates a new version. * The User becomes the +compiler+ of the Questionnaire. * While editing a section of the Questionnaire, the entire Questionnaire is locked so no other editors can make concurrent changes. h3. Questionnaire status: * *@draft@* h3. Available actions: *[Submit]*: The +compiler+ can submit the Questionnaire to be reviewed. The status of the Questionnaire changes to @submitted@. Reviewers are notified, see below for how reviewers are selected. * Permissions: +compiler+ * Notifications: +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ *[Invite Editors]*: The +compiler+ can invite other users to work on the Questionnaire. Invited users will be +editors+. * Permissions: +compiler+ * Notifications: +compiler+, +editors+ *[Change Compiler]*: The +compiler+ can assign an +editor+ as the new compiler of the Questionnaire. The original compiler becomes an editor. * Permissions: +compiler+ * Notifications: +compiler+, +editors+ h2. Review | Create | Edit |_.Review | Publish | h3. Questionnaire status: * *@submitted@* h3. Available actions: *[Approve]*: The +reviewer+ approves the Questionnaire and submits it to be published. The status of the Questionnaire changes to @reviewed@. Publishers are notified, see below for how publishers are selected. * Permissions: +reviewer+ * Notifications: +publisher+, +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ *[Revise]*: The +reviewer+ finds that some content of the Questionnaire needs to be revised. The status of the Questionnaire changes to @draft@. * Permissions: +reviewer+ * Notifications: +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ *[Reject]*: The +reviewer+ can completely reject a Questionnaire if the content is obviously not appropriate. The status of the Questionnaire changes to @rejected@. * Permissions: +reviewer+ * Notifications: +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ *[Assign Reviewer]*: The +WOCAT secretariat+ can assign an additional reviewer for the Questionnaire. * Permissions: +WOCAT secretariat+ * Notifications: +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ h2. Publish | Create | Edit | Review |_.Publish | h3. Questionnaire status: * *@reviewed@* h3. Available actions: *[Approve]*: The +publisher+ approves the Questionnaire and publishes it. The status of the Questionnaire changes to @public@. The approved version is inserted in Elasticsearch (replacing older ones). Any old version receives status *@inactive@*. * Permissions: +publisher+ * Notifications: +publisher+, +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ *[Revise]*: The +publisher+ finds that some content of the Questionnaire needs to be revised. The status of the Questionnaire changes to @draft@. * Permissions: +publisher+ * Notifications: +publisher+, +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ *[Assign Publisher]*: The +WOCAT secretariat+ can assign an additional publisher for the Questionnaire. * Permissions: +WOCAT secretariat+ * Notifications: +publisher+, +reviewer+, +compiler+, +editors+ h2. How are reviewers and publishers selected? This covers how new @submitted@ Questionnaires are assigned to +reviewers+ and new @reviewed@ Questionnaires are assigned to +publishers+. * Rules can be added to automatically assign Questionnaire to their +reviewers+ or +publishers+. These rules are based on: * Project: All Questionnaires with a certain project are assigned to a specific +reviewer+ or +publisher+. * Country: All Questionnaires with a certain country are assigned to a specific +reviewer+ or +publisher+. <pre> # Pseudo-code of such a rule: if project == 'Project XY' and country in ['Country A', 'Country B']: reviewer = user_A </pre> * If no rule applies for a Questionnaire, they are assigned the +WOCAT secretariat+, which can either review / publish themselves or assign them to other users. _This is the current workaround until the proper review process is in place._ h2. UNCCD flagging UNCCD users (focal points) need to possibility to flag existing WOCAT Questionnaires as "UNCCD Best Practice". * When registering, UNCCD users select the country for which they are the focal point. * +WOCAT secretariat+ checks if the user is indeed the current focal point for the specified country based on an up-to-date list of focal points provided by UNCCD. * If the focal point for a country changes, UNCCD immediately informs the WOCAT secretariat so the focal point can be changed. * UNCCD focal points can flag WOCAT questionnaires as "UNCCD Best Practice". They can only to this for Questionnaires in countries for which they are the focal point. * Flagging automatically creates a new @submitted@ version of the Questionnaire which will go through the usual review cycle. * Focal points can only remove the UNCCD flag of Questionnaires which he flagged himself. *(?)* *Missing*: "revise" decisions need to be logged somehow. It should be possible to pass messages from user to user (eg. users submitting comment for the reviewer or reviewer submitting comment for the editors when "revise").