



User Roles


The compiler is the user who owns an object (technology, approach, etc.). He has the right to edit an object,
to invite other editors to complement the questionnaire, to compile all those edits into one case and to submit such a case for review.

He has the permissions for the following activies:

  • Edit
  • Compile
  • Submit
  • Invite


An editor must be invited to a certain object by a compiler.

He has the permissions for the following activies:

  • *Edit"


The reviewer receives an object for review submitted by the compiler.
He can either approve the case or send it back to the compiler. In this case he can either just add comments or edit the case and send the corrections back to the compiler.

He has the permissions for the following activies:

  • Review
  • Edit


The publisher is more or less in the same role as the reviewer. But his approval of an objects sets it publicly online.

He has the permissions for the following activies:

  • Edit
  • Publish

UNCCD Country Representative

  • The UNCCD Country Representative sees by default all cases listet for the country he represents. Out of this cases he can select some as UNCCD Best Practices.
  • He can then enter the UNCCD specific questions.

He has the permissions for the following activies:

  • Select/Flag
  • Edit UNCCD questions

Updated by Kurt Gerber about 9 years ago · 6 revisions