WOCAT Website API » History » Revision 4
Revision 3 (Lukas Vonlanthen, 26 May 2016 11:54) → Revision 4/9 (Kurt Gerber, 26 May 2016 14:11)
h1. WOCAT Website API Old version: https://redmine.cde.unibe.ch/projects/wocat-cms/wiki/WebServicesAuthentificationAddress h2. Requirements: - All requests over encrypted connection (SSL) - All responses as JSON - Authentication for service is needed (eg. token authentication http://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/authentication/#tokenauthentication) - Documentation is available (eg. http://django-rest-swagger.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) h2. End points: h3. Authentication * URL: @/[v1]/authentication@ * Method: POST * Data: > * username > * password * Response: > * JSON user object if logi> successful > * Response with HTTP status code 401 if login not successful h3. List of users (with search) * URL: @/[v1]/users@ * Method: GET * Query parameters: > * name (partial email (username or first/lastname ) first/lastname) * Response: > * List of JSON user objects > <pre> { "users": [ // List of JSON user objects ], "count": 2 // the total count (without limit) } </pre> h3. Details of user * URL: @/[v1]/users/[id]@ * Method: GET * URL parameter: > * id * Response: > * JSON user object if found > * Response with HTTP status code 404 if not found h3. List of institutions * URL: @/[v1]/institutions@ * Method: GET * Response: > * List of JSON institution objects > <pre> { "users": [ // List of JSON institution objects ], "count": 2 // the total count (without limit) } </pre> h3. List of projects * URL: /[v1]/projects * Method: GET * Response: > * List of JSON project objects > <pre> { "users": [ // List of JSON project objects ], "count": 2 // the total count (without limit) } </pre> h2. Response formats Format of JSON user object: { "uid": 1055, "username": "kurt.gerber@cde.unibe.ch", "first_name": "Kurt", "last_name": "Gerber", "usergroup": [ { "name": "UNCCD Focal Point", "unccd_country": "CHE" } ], "address": "Hallerstrasse 10", "zip": "3012", "city": "Bern", "country": "Switzerland", "institution": { "name": "CDE", "id": 1 } } Format of JSON institution object: { "name": "CDE", "country": "CHE", "id": 1 } Format of JSON project object: { "name": "DRR project", "id": 1 } h2. Open questions: - Can users have more than 1 institution? - SSO with cookie? - Authentication token periodically changing?