Web Services Definition » History » Revision 12
Revision 11 (Kurt Gerber, 13 Dec 2018 11:32) → Revision 12/40 (Kurt Gerber, 13 Dec 2018 12:09)
h1. API / Web Services Requirements h2. Request services The existing API is documented here: https://qcat.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/docs.html h3. Required missing request services: * There is an endpoint to get the configuration for a specific questionnaire and edition: https://https://qcat.wocat.net/en/api/v2/configuration/technologies/2018/ 1. Whithout the 'edition' endpoint, it should response with an array of available editions. Now it answers with a 'Not found' html page. 2. Without the specific configuration endpoint (like 'technologies'), the response should be an array of available configurations. Now it answers with a 'Not found' html page. h2. Requirements for services to add / update cases h3. Authentification To upload a case, a user has to authenticate himself. Therefore an authentification endpoint is needed. %{background:lightred}The token as needed for any API requests, serves only as authorization to access the API. The token is application based and always the same for certain application, independently of the user working with the application.%