Web Services Definition » History » Revision 3
Revision 2 (Kurt Gerber, 25 Jan 2016 14:19) → Revision 3/40 (Kurt Gerber, 25 Jan 2016 17:22)
h1. API / Web Services Definition h2. 1. General Requirements h3. 1.1. *The API is based on RESTful web services* h3. 1.2. *No authentification is needed to query/download published data* h3. 1.3. *The API has a version* This can either be done through a parameter or a path. Preferably part of the path to force version idication. h3. 1.4. *Output/Answer* The Output formats should selectable between JSON,XML and CSV with JSON as default. h2. 2. Configuration queries h3. 2.1 querying all configurations * *Returns:* ** List of all configurations and all their versions * *Items:* ** Configuration name (identifier) ** Configuration version ** Date of creation / last update ** (Short description ?) h3.