


ProjectsCountriesMap » History » Revision 6

Revision 5 (Kurt Gerber, 20 Sep 2016 22:53) → Revision 6/7 (Kurt Gerber, 20 Sep 2016 23:19)

h1. Projects & Countries Map 

 This is the best available screen design we have... {{thumbnail(map1.png)}} 

 h2. Goal 

 The map should visualise three things: 
 * The countries in which WOCAT is active 
 * The countries which are member of different WOCAT projects 
 * Regions    in which WOCAT is active 
 * It should be possible to search & select a WOCAT project and highlight its member countries. 
 * It should be possible to search & select a country in which WOCAT is active and highlight it. 
 * It should be possible to find/select a region and highlight the countries which make part of it. 

 h2. The tools around the map 

 * On top left should be a kind of Tabs/Menu which switches between the views: 
 ** Countries (in which WOCAT is active)  
 ** Projects (their specific member countries) 
 ** Regions (in which WOCAT is active) 

 * On top right is a search field. It searches either countries, projects or regions. 

 * On the right is a 'scrollable' list of either countries, projects or regions.  

 * The selectable button for 'archived projects' makes only sense in the projects view. 
 ** **Must be clarified if it is needed from beginning or could be postponed to a later stage.** 

 h2. Actions 

 h3. Countries View 

 * Default display:  
 ** World map of countries (all white, only border lines).  
 ** Countries in which WOCAT is active are in light grey. 

 * When clicking on a country in the list:  
 ** the country should be highlighted  
 ** the country should be centered on the map.  
 ** on the bottom of the map a box with a bit more information and a clickable link to the country page should be displayed. 

 * It should be possible to close this box again. 

 * When clicking on a country in the map: 
 ** It should display the same box as defined above. 
 ** The country should **NOT** be centered. 

 h3. Projects View 

 * Default display: 
 ** **???** 

 * When clicking on a project in the list: 
 ** The member countries of project are highlighted. 
 ** ON the bottom of the map a box with more some more information and a clickable link to the project page should be displayed. 

 * It should be possible to close the box again. 

 * Selecting a project by clicking on a country in the map is **NOT** possible (1:n relation possible) 

 h3. Regions View: 

 * Default display:  
 ** All countries of all regions in grey?? 

 * When clicking on a region in the list: 
 ** The member countries are highlighted. 
 ** On the bottom of the map a box with more information and **???** 

 * Selecting a region by clicking on a country on the map: Will it work **??** 

 h2. Mobile devices 

 * On a smartphone display, the list at the right side of the map will cover the map completely. It should therefore be collapsable and by default be collapsed on mobile devices. 

 * The search filed should be part of the list on the right side ( and will there for also collapse) 
 * How to change the view?? Hamburger ??